
If you want to buy a painting, please contact me first about availability.

Please note! Because of the current situation in the Ukraine shipments might take more time. It is possible mail will get lost. Packages will be send using “track and trace”. If a shipment does not arrive the payment will be credited! Payments are handled by Paypal. Prices include shipping worldwide.

You can contact me trough this page/link.



I’m living here few years, but the clouds that comes up to the sky from ground so close, still amaze me.

Size: 50*50 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.



Wild irys that grows on Carpathian hills

Size: 55*50 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.


Singer and listener

Suddenly I found my inspiration in old abandoned garden…

Size: 35*70 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $500 including shipping.


Winter landscape




Size: 45*45 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $400 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


Willow brunch



Size: 70*40 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $400 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


Foggy morning

Foggy, warm summer morning.
Yesterday’s light rain stopped, hanging in the air. Get out of the warmth of the house and freeze from the pleasant wet air around me.
I’m going to get milk for breakfast, the neighbor must have already milked the cow…
The neighbor’s dog barks at me, in the morning silence it echoes far across the village, like the jingle of a church bell. This noise scares the deer that was drinking from the river downstream, it jumps out onto the road in front of me, looks at me for a moment, then pushes off with all its might and  flies up the high hill on the other side of the road with its light leaps.
It disappears among the trees.
It is silence again.
All that left is that feeling:  we are not alone here.
And reminder – I live among mountains and forests…
A village with people is just a small area in a middle of their home.


Size: 70*35 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.

Contact me if interested





Size: 60*30 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.

Contact me if interested




I’m living here few years, but the clouds that comes up to the sky from ground so close, still amaze me.

Size: 32*74 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $200 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


Traveling Japan

Memories, Spring 2019

Size: 35*70 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $450 including shipping.

Contact me if interested




Hydrangea lives in my garden only for the first year.
Blue, like the spring sky, with only the first touch of autumn, withering, it showed many other colors.
Of course, I notice it)

Size: 35*70 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.


Contact me if interested

Spring will come!

Size: 70*25 sm
Technique: Watercolor, ink

Order the above painting for $400 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


Winter Rain

winter rain (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 67*33 sm
Technique: Watercolor, ink

Order the above painting for $300 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


Dancing souls


Size: 70*35 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.

Contact me if interested



Svete Nedelje island

Svete Nedelje (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 21*48 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $250 including shipping.

Contact me if interested

Erly spring

Thankful to live under this sky

Size: 33*70 sm

Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $450 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


sunrise (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 70*40 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $300 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


Sparrows and vine brunch

Sparrows and vine brunch (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 25*50 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $250 including shipping.

Contact me if interested

Snowy hills

Snowy hills (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 38*38 sm
Technique: Watercolor,ink

Order the above painting for $250 including shipping.

Contact me if interested

Oh, dear)

Size: 50*50 sm
Technique: Watercolor, ink

Order the above painting for $300 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


rowan (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 74*27 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $300 including shipping.

Contact me if interested

Cold water

Size: 25*70 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $300 including shipping.

Contact me if interested

Mountain Village

Size: 33*74 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.

Contact me if interested



lake (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 33*60 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $200 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


flight (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 45*45 sm
Technique: Watercolor, ink

Order the above painting for $250 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


barnowl (c) Tanya Samsonova

Size: 39*76 sm
Technique: Watercolor, ink

Order the above painting for $450 including shipping.

Contact me if interested

Cotton brunch

Size: 33*77 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.

Contact me if interested


 Ukrainian night

Size: 37*40 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $250 including shipping.

Contact me if interested

Butterfly flight

Size: 35*70 sm
Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.

Contact me if interested



Size: 52*52sm

Technique: Watercolor

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.

Contact me if interested



Horse and apple


Size: 35*60sm

Technique: Watercolor, ink

Order the above painting for $350 including shipping.

Contact me if interested



Lupin wind


Size: 35*70sm

Technique: Watercolor, ink

Order the above painting for $400 including shipping.

Contact me if interested